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junio 10, 2021 2021-06-10 13:48
Ghosts and Hidden Treasures of San Miguel’s Colonial Mansions

Ghosts and Hidden Treasures of San Miguel’s Colonial Mansions

With its gorgeous colonial architecture, enchanting cobblestone streets and striking light, San Miguel de Allende is rightly one of Mexico’s biggest draws. It’s impossible to think of San Miguel’s rich...

Walking as a Cultural Action

Walking as a Cultural Action

Cultural actions are the behaviors and customs that are shared and passed down within societies. They reflect a sense of belonging among the individuals who share a certain activity, functioning...

The Vibrant World of David Vasquez

The Vibrant World of David Vasquez

“Cuando mi pincel danza sobre el lienzo, busco que las texturas y los colores entonen un poema visual, una narrativa caleidoscópica que anide en lo más profundo de la esencia...

Culture Blending—Baseball in SMA

Culture Blending—Baseball in SMA

Pegale a la bola! It’s Saturday, the Estadio de Beisbol Stirling Dickinson, behind the Tuesday Market, is filled with Mexicans cheering on our local amateur team, Selección San Miguel. But...

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1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children